News Events Blog

A message from our CEO, George Whittier

Written by Fairbanks Morse | Monday, 23 Mar 2020

We are all in a historic and challenging time as the country and world work to limit the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). As the effects of COVID-19 evolve, I wanted to share a few words with our customers and the industry.

Health and Wellness is our TOP priority

As a supplier to the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, energy, transportation, and health services sectors, Fairbanks Morse is designated as both critical infrastructure and an essential business under both federal and state Shelter-in-Place/Stay-at-Home orders. Although our facilities will remain operational to support our customers during this difficult time, Fairbanks Morse has implemented strict guidelines and procedures to keep our customers, employees, their families, and our communities safe. We are taking all necessary health and safety precautions in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and following state and national health guidelines. Fairbanks Morse has also implemented a work from home policy where possible. Our staff is strictly practicing social distancing, and the company is providing health and safety tools to employees in our facilities, such as hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Employees that are critical to our manufacturing operations will continue to come into our facilities, and we have put in place strict health and safety measures to ensure their safety and that of the surrounding community.

We recognize that it is vital for the defense sector and other critical industries in our country to count on us for support. Just this week, we are preparing engines for the U.S. Navy’s hospital ship, USNS Comfort, to help in the fight against COVID-19. Therefore, our facilities will continue to operate.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who is doing their part to help keep our communities and our country safe.

Here is a link to recommendations by the CDC. And remember – wash your hands regularly, practice social distancing, and home quarantine when possible!

To learn more about our designation as a crucial infrastructure company, visit: